After three years of studying the Anat Baniel Method I'm so proud to have officially graduated from the Children's Mastery!
It seemed like not long ago I first flew out to California for my first segment in the Basic Training to start learning the method that had helped my daughter in so many ways. I dreamed of the day that I could give her what the practitioners could and I couldn't wait to acquire their knowledge.
When I would take my daughter to her lessons I remember sitting in the little room intently watching every move the practitioner would do with her trying to understand and soak in every bit that I could. I even tried to recreate what I saw when we would go home sometimes, never getting the same outcome. I couldn't understand what I was doing different! I always wondered what they saw and how they knew what piece of the puzzle she needed.
It wasn't until I began the training that I realized there was so much more happening in her lesson than just moving her arm this way or that way. I gained even more appreciation and love from the method. I was learning to see her as a whole person, and how her entire body is connected to each movement. For example when I lift my arm up in the air, my body will shift weight, my back is involved, and even my pelvis will all works together as one fluid movement. I learned this by experiencing movement myself. In the training we spend countless hours exploring gentle movements from very basic to gradually doing more and more complicated movements as the training progressed. Feeling the movement and exploring how this versus that feels or how placing a foot here rather than there can make a huge difference. I learned that movement should feel good and be easy and I finally understand what the other practitioners saw!
So now with the inner feeling and experience of what a movement should feel like I'm able to guide others to feel it themselves so they can recreate it too. I started this for my daughter but now I've developed a love for helping others and can't wait to start my new life as a practitioner for the Children with Special needs.
If you are interested or know a child that could benefit from the Anat Baniel Method please share and also visit to learn more.
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