My daughter Leila has Cerebral Palsy. She also has Polymicrogyria (Over 90% of her brain is malformed) and a very severe seizure disorder that causes regression. She is also the most amazing, loving and inspiring person I know.
Move Integrate
Monday, 18 January 2021
No matter how small, celebrate!
My daughter Leila has Cerebral Palsy. She also has Polymicrogyria (Over 90% of her brain is malformed) and a very severe seizure disorder that causes regression. She is also the most amazing, loving and inspiring person I know.
Monday, 21 December 2020
Cerebral Palsy and the fisted hand
A fisted hand. Could it be "mapped" in the brain just like a fist would appear...a ball without fingers?
Our brain has an image or a neurological "map" that represents the different parts of our body. They've named this "map" a Homunculus and is actually quite a comical looking character. It doesn't really look like what we would expect. It has all the body parts but the proportions don't match what we see as ourselves. For example a Homunculus has huge hands in comparison to the size of the torso because of the complexity of the motor functions they do.
When my daughter was very young, even as young as 4 or 5 months old, we noticed when she’d reach toward an object her hand wouldn’t open. It stayed in a tiny fisted ball. We started to stretch her hands open daily to try and help her use her hands more effectively, but it didn’t seem to make much difference. She would still reach with a fist to touch objects, or if she did open her hand slightly, all the fingers would work as one unit like they were attached to each other all the way down to the tips.
It never crossed my mind that her brain might not recognize that her fingers were separate from each other or that they even existed at all! If her brain didn't have them "mapped" then it also couldn't send any messages to them either.
It wasn’t until I was in my ABM NeuroMovement training that I understood what a real possibility it was that her brain didn't know her fingers existed. She never had the experience of moving them individually and freely, no exploration of them at all, so how could they be "mapped" that way? Her hand had always been in a tight fist for the first few years of her life. I just assumed since I can clearly see she has fingers she must know that too, but she didn't. This was a mind blowing realization for me.
Through my ABM NeuroMovemovent training I learned how to bring awareness to her hand and help her differentiate between each finger, "mapping" more and more over time to help her hand become more of the full image of what we can see. She has Spastic Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy, Polymicrogyria (over 90% of her brain is malformed), and a devastating seizure disorder that causes regression... BUT even with those huge obstacles she can now point using only her index finger, hold her markers to colour and paint. She can even pick up small objects with a pincer grasp. Over time with ABM NeuroMovement lessons, I believe we've changed what the image of her hand looks like in her brain. It's no longer that little fisted ball...her "map" of her hand now has fingers!
I’m so happy for my daughter that she has some independence to do the things that she loves. I'll continue to give her ABM NeuroMovement lessons to feed her brain with rich new information to help her to continue to grow and "map" more of her body. I also love helping the families I work with to experience this too.
To learn more about how ABM NeuroMovement lessons can help your child or to book lessons please contact Renée, ABM NeuroMovement Practitioner at or 403-483-9769
Tuesday, 28 July 2020
Missed Milestones?
Friday, 28 February 2020
Down to one arm
This forced me out of my habitual automatic way of doing my daily activities and forced me to slow down and once again explore my movement, almost like I was doing things for the first time. At first it was hard and a bit frustrating but I decided to take it on as a challenge and have fun with my movement. Have you ever brushed your teeth with your opposite hand? Or tried washing your hair with one hand? I actually held my shower scrubby between my knees to wash my right arm. Now that’s getting creative!
Tuesday, 21 January 2020
Break it down
Take your dreams and goals into reality
A New Year often means a new beginning and a fresh start for many of us. We all get stuck in our habitual ways. I know I do!
I often find myself excited about a New Year to start all of the things that have been on my mind, but kept putting off. One of them was coming back to this Blog and keeping you all updated on fun and effective ways that you can incorporate ABM NeuroMovement® into your life everyday.
Why do we put off our dreams and goals? How do we get out of this habitual rut?
When we have a dream it might feel overwhelming and we don't know where to even begin with this giant mountain in front of us. Focusing on the top of the mountain could be keeping us from taking the first step that is right in front of us. We need to make the goal more attainable. In ABM NeuroMovement® we can make goals attainable by breaking it down into tiny doable steps. We can still imagine and dream about what it will be like at the end goal, but by breaking into tiny steps and keeping our goals achievable we're setting ourselves up for success.When I give ABM NeuroMovement® lessons to children, their parents come to me with goals, usually the big milestones such as rolling, sitting, crawling and walking. How can we help a child that is currently unable to roll, achieve those goals to eventually come to standing and walking? It can feel very overwhelming for parents if we are only focused on the end goal such as walking. When we break down these goals to first meet the child where they are in their development, we can start the process. Instead of focusing on a child walking, our first goal may be for the child to roll. Can we break down that goal even further? The goal can be for the child to roll to their side, or maybe we can break it down even further. By breaking the movement down into tiny achievable goals where the child can be successful, little by little the child continues to move forward and before long something that once seemed so far out of reach is attained.
We can apply this to our life everyday. My goal for this Blog is to do monthly updates. That's 12 in a year! Whoa, what am I getting myself into?! I haven't even done an update in 2 years! Okay, before I go running and screaming away from my mountain, how can I make this goal more achievable? Instead of focusing on the fact that there are 12 Blogs I'd like to do this year, how about I focus on just this one first? My goal is already broken down into a much more achievable goal. I can do one Blog this month. I feel that's doable! I don't have to worry about all of them at once. Can I break it down into an even smaller step? Week one my goal is to choose my topic. Week two, I can start writing down some ideas. Week three I can start putting my ideas into my Blog and week four is fine tuning and publishing. Done! The smaller the goal, the easier it is to achieve.
What have you been dreaming about? How can you make your goal more achievable? Let me know!
I'm already a step closer to my goal!
Happy New Year!
Renee Gray
ABM NeuroMovement Practitioner®
Calgary, AB
Wednesday, 1 June 2016
Summer Bookings!
Have you been thinking about trying the Anat Baniel Method? During the summer break is the perfect time because your child doesn't have all their usual activities and stresses of the school year. After your lesson take time to sleep, eat and play to help integrate all the new changes.
I am currently booking for the summer months now!
If you have further questions about the Anat Baniel Method or would like to book lessons for your child please contact me at 403-483-9769 or visit
Tuesday, 31 May 2016
Graduate of The Anat Baniel Method Children's Mastery in Calgary. AB
It seemed like not long ago I first flew out to California for my first segment in the Basic Training to start learning the method that had helped my daughter in so many ways. I dreamed of the day that I could give her what the practitioners could and I couldn't wait to acquire their knowledge.
When I would take my daughter to her lessons I remember sitting in the little room intently watching every move the practitioner would do with her trying to understand and soak in every bit that I could. I even tried to recreate what I saw when we would go home sometimes, never getting the same outcome. I couldn't understand what I was doing different! I always wondered what they saw and how they knew what piece of the puzzle she needed.
It wasn't until I began the training that I realized there was so much more happening in her lesson than just moving her arm this way or that way. I gained even more appreciation and love from the method. I was learning to see her as a whole person, and how her entire body is connected to each movement. For example when I lift my arm up in the air, my body will shift weight, my back is involved, and even my pelvis will all works together as one fluid movement. I learned this by experiencing movement myself. In the training we spend countless hours exploring gentle movements from very basic to gradually doing more and more complicated movements as the training progressed. Feeling the movement and exploring how this versus that feels or how placing a foot here rather than there can make a huge difference. I learned that movement should feel good and be easy and I finally understand what the other practitioners saw!
So now with the inner feeling and experience of what a movement should feel like I'm able to guide others to feel it themselves so they can recreate it too. I started this for my daughter but now I've developed a love for helping others and can't wait to start my new life as a practitioner for the Children with Special needs.
If you are interested or know a child that could benefit from the Anat Baniel Method please share and also visit to learn more.